by Jo Ann | Aug 11, 2023 | Child Development
Photo by Naomi Shi Jo Ann Gramlich has always been an advocate for children, setting a good example for them and inspiring them to be more—but it’s no secret that children inspire her too. Having worked as a children’s speech-language pathologist for...
by Jo Ann | Jun 23, 2023 | Child Development, Parenting, Speech and Language Development
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova Language delays and disorders in children and how they affect language development. Language delays and disorders in children can affect various aspects of language, including comprehension, expression, and communication. Children with...
by Jo Ann | Mar 24, 2023 | Child Development, Parenting, Playtime for Children, Reading, Speech and Language Development
Photo by cottonbro studio Talk, Play, and Read is the title of a book on child’s language development by Jo Ann Gramlich, but they are also the key areas parents have to engage their children in for proper growth. All throughout childhood, a child changes physically,...
by Jo Ann | Feb 25, 2023 | Child Development, Parenting
Photo by Elina Fairytale It’s essential that parents know how to rear their children securely. Whether parents choose authoritarian or soft parenting, parenting style has authority over children’s development. Every child is born unique and special and differ from one...
by Jo Ann | Jan 22, 2023 | Child Development, Parenting
Photo by Monstera Every relationship comes with the inevitable truth: you cannot avoid conflicts. In your child’s case, they might take your intentions or actions differently than usual. How do you avoid conflicts as a parent? How will you navigate this tricky...