Jo Ann’s frequently answered questions.

Animated Interactive eBook to Enhance Your Child’s Language Development from Birth to Age Five.

Additional resources for you and bettering your child’s language development.

Why Talk, Play, And Read?
It’s important to engage in regular Talking, Playing, and Reading with your child every day. These activities have been shown to have a profound impact on brain development, self-confidence, and vocabulary, all of which are crucial for a child’s ability to succeed in school. Research indicates that the richness of a child’s vocabulary, shaped by the words they are exposed to, directly influences their reading skills. Studies have consistently demonstrated that daily interaction through talking, playing, and reading significantly enhances a child’s language development, reading ability, and academic success. As a parent or caregiver, you play a pivotal role in setting your child up for success in both school and life. Engaging in these activities early, from the time your child is born, can make a significant difference in their future achievements.

Helping Your Child Break Free from Falling Behind by Jo Ann Gramlich, M.S.
Did you know that 66% of children are not reading at their expected grade level? This can be a heartbreaking reality for many families. When a child struggles with reading, it can feel overwhelming as they fall further behind their peers. The unfortunate truth is that...
Talking Some Sense: Parental Communication Through the Ages
Photo by Natasha Hall Talk, Play, and Read with Me Daddy by Jo Ann Gramlich is a great way for new parents to practice the correct methods of parental communication with their children. Parental communication is an extremely important aspect of raising a child. For...
Setting a Good Example: How Children Inspire Adults
Photo by Naomi Shi Jo Ann Gramlich has always been an advocate for children, setting a good example for them and inspiring them to be more—but it's no secret that children inspire her too. Having worked as a children's speech-language pathologist for almost three...